There is an old Chinese Proverb that says "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step". It's that first step that is the hardest isn't it. How many times in life have we made plans for this or that only to find ourselves struggling to take that first step.

I am reminded of the Priests who were carrying the Ark of the Lord in Joshua 3 and in verse 13 it tells us that they had to place their feet in the Jordon river. Once they placed their feet in the river the waters would cease to flow where the Israelites and the Priests could cross over the Jordon River on dry ground. But it wasn't that easy, not only were they to put their feet in the river, but the river was at flood stage - so this took a lot of faith to step into the raging waters.
Sometimes in life it is hard to take that first step. We make all the excuses for why we can't take it or why we haven't done it yet. What is the ragging water you are avoiding? My friend, If we put our faith and trust in Christ, He will show us the way.
Proverbs 3:5-6 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.'
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