My friend, in the Greek language 'Keep' is in the Aorist Imperative, meaning it is a command. So it is so clear that God is commanding us to keep His commandments. Not only is it a command, but look at the richness of this verse. There is something deeper than obedience because of duty. Notice it says 'If you love Me', obedience done out of devotion is so much deeper than obedience because of duty.
I remember before I was saved I had attended church every Sunday and went out of the source of duty; that was what we were supposed to do. One day in Sunday school, my Sunday school teacher showed us the difference between knowing God with a head knowledge and knowing God with a heart knowledge - experientially. I realized I did not know Jesus Christ as my personal savior, I knew of Him but I did not know Him experientially. I asked the Lord into my heart that day, and my heart was changed forever. I no longer went to church out of duty, but now I went out of desire to know more about God and to deepen my relationship with Him. I now wanted to go rather than I had to go. This is the difference here that we should want to obey God's laws out of devotion to Him rather than out of duty. If you want to know more about Jesus Christ, please click this link: http://changedlivestoday.com/_webimages/knowinggod.html
Job learned of having an experiential knowledge - Job 42:5 'I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You.'