Welcome to Empowered Bible Studies

Bible study is essential to our Christian walk. As we study God's Word, our personal relationship with God grows deeper and deeper. It empowers us to live for the Lord in every aspect of our lives. This is what has inspired me to do an online Bible study.

Many years ago my husband introduced me to a commentary on the book of Colossians and I was so blessed as the Scripture came to life before my very eyes. Since that day we have developed an extensive library and enjoy studying God's Word.

I have prepared some Bible studies that I would like to share with you. My prayer is that they will bless you as much as they have blessed me in preparing them. I pray your life is touched and that it would inspire you to live every moment of every day for Christ.

Please click on the link to the left under 'Empowered Bible Studies' for the Bible Study you would like to view.

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Signs of Hope in Troubled Times

What promises of God do you hold onto when you are going through the storms of life?

The Rainbow is a beautiful reminder to us of a promise that God made. God made a covenant with Noah that the earth would never be destroyed by flooding water again. Notice that the rainbow appears in the clouds when there is moisture in the air, after the rain comes, when the fear would be at its most heightened time, God alleviates our fears with such beauty as a rainbow. Look to the rainbow my friend, as you face the storms in your life and hold onto the promises of God!

Genesis 9:11-13 'I establish my covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth. God said, "This is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all successive generation; I set my Bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth.'

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