When we live the “secular” part of our life, our ordinary everyday life, we need to keep in mind that we are commanded to do all to the glory of God. Let’s look at: 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”
The believer is to do all for the glory of God; not concerned with our own rights, but the glory of God. Eating, drinking, and socializing—all are to be done for the glory of God. So how do you do this? Doing all for the glory of God is easier said than done sometimes. There are so many times we are going through life, getting up in the morning starting our day without even thinking about God or even what we are doing, we are just in automatic pilot.
Think about how you started out your day today, were you aware of God’s presence in your life, were you aware that he was with you. How about yesterday or any other day when at the end of the day you look back and there was no significant event or thing happened, was God’s presence with you?
My friend, God is with us every second of the day. He does not take naps or timeouts, he doesn’t say well there is nothing going on here today so I am going to go over and see how so-n-so is doing. No! God is with us every second of the day. What we need to do is tune our hearts towards His.
The more we try to be aware of God’s presence the more it will become second nature to us. Ask God each day to help you be aware of His presence – draw close to Him and He will draw close to you.
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