Every follower of Jesus Christ can live every moment of every day with hope if they remember three important truths:
1. Life on Earth is Temporary; our home is in heaven.
Peter reminds us over and over again throughout 1 Peter that we are strangers in this world that this life is not all there is. When you really concentrate on the fact that this is just temporal - it helps to endure whatever may come your way in this life.
2. God uses adversity in this life to strengthen our faith.
Peter reminds us that we will suffer "grief in all kinds of trials" 1 Peter 1:6, yet we can still have hope because God never wastes a hurt.
3. The end of all things is near.
We are living in the end days which should make us want to live every day for Christ making every moment count for eternity.
These truths that Peter reminds us of throughout the book of 1 Peter should act as a powerful source of hope every day of your life. When we focus on Christ, we can overcome and God will transform suffering into glory. Peter has given to us a precious letter that encourages us to hope in the Lord no matter how trying the times may be. Down through the centuries, the church has experienced various fiery trials, and yet Satan has not been able to destroy it. The church today is facing a fiery trial, and we must be prepared. But, whatever may come, Peter is still saying to each of us: “Be hopeful!” The glory is soon to come!
God Bless
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