Let's read James 2:14 "What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?" Now, verse fourteen doesn't say "What is the profit if someone has faith?", but rather "What is the profit if someone says he has faith, but has not works?" James is appealing to those who say they are Christians that they need to walk the talk. If they are truly Christians, their lives should show it. We have faith in a living God, and so if we truly accepted Christ into our hearts then it cannot help but manifest itself outwardly.
James goes on in James 2:14 to say "Can faith save him?" Well, we need to clarify 'faith' here. If we take this out of context and we just read 'Can faith save him?' then we would have to say 'Yes'. A true heart-faith in the finished work of Christ on Calvary saves. Yes faith in Jesus Christ saves; But this is not what James is saying. When we look at the text in context, James is saying, 'Can a profession of faith save him?' There is a big difference between 'Can faith save' and 'Can a profession of faith save'.
Anybody can profess to be a Christian, but if that profession of faith is just lip service, then it is a dead faith. It is not a saving faith. But if that profession of faith is truly a heart changing, life changing experience in the One True God, then and only then is it a true saving faith. The Late Greek scholar Spiros Zodiahties said: 'Faith which implants God's nature in the heart of man is a saving faith, and the faith which does not is not saving faith.'
James 2:19 'You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe--and tremble!' Just to say you profess that Jesus Christ is God is not enough, even the demons believe. You have to accept Jesus Christ into your heart, confess your sins, ask Him to help you live according to His will in your life. If you truly ask and believe, your life will reflect it.
My friend, we need to stop living sinful lives, repent of our sins and fully give our lives to Jesus Christ. If we continue to live in our old sinful lifestyle with no change, no repentance of sin, and no results to show a changed life, then we need to re-evaluate our lives because if Christ is truly in you, you will see a changed life, a changed heart, a new person emerge. We should see results and this is what James is saying. We need to fully trust God in every aspect of our lives and live accordingly.
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