As we continue in the Book of James we find that not only are we to be careful listeners to the word of God, but we are to Practice what it says as we see in James 1:22-25 'But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves...
It is easy to sit and listen to a sermon or attend a Bible study, but it is much more difficult to go out into our everyday lives and live what we have learned. The call to "do what scripture says" lies at the center of all that James teaches. It sums up the message of the whole book: Put into practice what you profess to believe. ~ Walk the Talk!
I like what Pastor Warren Wiersbe said: "Too many Christians mark their Bibles, but their Bibles never mark them!" You can sit and take notes marking your Bible, but if it is not affecting your life, if you are not applying it to your life, you will not grow spiritually. Studying God’s word is so important and so essential in our Christian walk isn’t it. It gives us instructions on how to live a Godly life and how to live every moment of every day to the Glory of God. Let us grow in our Christian walk as we live as unto The Lord in every aspect of our lives. ~ let us Walk the Talk
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