Joshua 3:7-8 “And the Lord said to Joshua, "This day I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. You shall command the priests who bear the ark of the covenant, saying, 'When you have come to the edge of the water of the Jordan, you shall stand in the Jordan."
The priests had the responsibility of bearing the Ark of the Covenant and going before the people as they marched. It was the priests who had to step into the Jordan River, which was at flood stage at this time, before God would open the waters. Have you ever seen a river at flood stage? Not only did the priest have to step in before God would part the waters, they had the responsibility of bearing the Ark of the Covenant – remember this symbolized God’s presence with them. It took a lot of faith to step into those flood waters. The priests would also have to stand in the middle of the riverbed until all the people had passed over. When the priests arrived on the other side, the waters would return to their original condition.
It took faith and courage for these priests to do their job, but they trusted God and relied on the faithfulness of His Word. This is faith in action.
Think about those raging waters that the priest had to step into, it was not easy but well worth the challenge.
What raging waters are you facing? What is it that you need to trust God for?
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