Welcome to Empowered Bible Studies

Bible study is essential to our Christian walk. As we study God's Word, our personal relationship with God grows deeper and deeper. It empowers us to live for the Lord in every aspect of our lives. This is what has inspired me to do an online Bible study.

Many years ago my husband introduced me to a commentary on the book of Colossians and I was so blessed as the Scripture came to life before my very eyes. Since that day we have developed an extensive library and enjoy studying God's Word.

I have prepared some Bible studies that I would like to share with you. My prayer is that they will bless you as much as they have blessed me in preparing them. I pray your life is touched and that it would inspire you to live every moment of every day for Christ.

Please click on the link to the left under 'Empowered Bible Studies' for the Bible Study you would like to view.

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Monday, March 23, 2015

Attitude of Love

An expectant attitude toward Christ’s return involves a serious, balanced mind and an alert, awake prayer life. If our thinking and praying are right, our living should be right. When our thinking is on the right track then we will think of others above ourselves.

1 Peter 4:8 “And above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins." We are to have fervent love for one another. The word fervent is an athletic word. It means to stretch and reach out; to strain and exert to the utmost degree just like an athlete in a race. Think of the preparation the athletes had to do to get to the Olympics. They had to really exert themselves to push themselves to the limit to get in the shape they needed to compete. Christian love is something we have to work at just as the athlete works on his skills. We are to strain every ounce of energy in our minds and hearts to love. This means that we love others with a God-given love – agape love, even when they hurt us, persecute us, ridicule us, and speak evil against us.

My friend, Love covers a multitude of sins. Peter quotes Proverbs 10:12 “Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins.” ~ The word “covers” means forgiveness; when someone sins, we are not to go out and announce it. Where there is hatred, there is malice, and malice causes a person to want to tear down the reputation of his enemy. This leads to gossip and slander. Sometimes we try to make our gossip sound “spiritual” by telling people things so that they might pray more intelligently. Friends, we need to watch our motives. Instead of spreading gossip about their sin, we need to pray for them and reach out in love to them that maybe they would be won to the Lord.

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