At this time of the year we are beginning to see decorated Christmas trees in the windows and the lights throughout the town are bringing Christmas cheer to everyone as Peppermint mocha and hot cocoa warm our tummies on these chilly evenings.
The evergreen trees remind us of the Ever-lasting life we will spend with Christ; the lights, oh how they twinkle as they represent Christ who is the Light of the World; the white lights show Christ's purity, the red lights represent the blood He shed for us so that we may spend eternity with Him, which brings us to the green lights, as with the Christmas Tree, they represent Ever-lasting life with Christ, and the blue remind us of the color worn by the High Priest - the royal color. Then you have purple which reminds us of the Magi who came to see Christ in Bethlehem.
The greatest gift you could give this Christmas is to share Christ to all those who you come in contact with. Remember my friend this Christmas as you look around and see all the lights, trees, and Christmas decorations, that there would be no Christmas without Christ! Celebrate Christ!
Jesus is the reason for the Season - Keep Christ in CHRISTmas!
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