We see in 1 Peter 3:18 that Christ died once for our sins. Let's open our Bibles and look at the scripture: "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit".
Jesus Christ paid once and for all the sins that we have committed and the ones we will commit; They have all been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ. Christ's death never has to be repeated; His death upon the cross satisfies God completely and covers the sins and death of men forever.
My friend, because of Christ dying on the Cross paying the debt for our sins, as the scripture says "the Just paying for the unjust"; we are seen as acceptable in the sight of God. We can live for eternity with God. But not only can we live throughout eternity with God but we now have open access to God. The veil of the temple was torn which symbolizes the new and open way to God through Jesus Christ. We can be in God's presence 24/7. What an awesome privilege that we don’t have to go through man, we can go directly into God’s presence anytime of the day.
Peter comforts us that when we suffer for doing right that this kind of suffering is truly Christ-like. Jesus Christ's death was the ultimate injustice; He suffered for sins that were not His; He paid the price for our sins. But yet it was through His death that we are able to be in God's presence. From tragedy and injustice, God brought good. The point is when we do right and suffer for it, we can be sure that God intends to use our experience for good.
My friend, Christ paid the penalty for us, live your life for Him; to bring him honor and glory.
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