Welcome to Empowered Bible Studies

Bible study is essential to our Christian walk. As we study God's Word, our personal relationship with God grows deeper and deeper. It empowers us to live for the Lord in every aspect of our lives. This is what has inspired me to do an online Bible study.

Many years ago my husband introduced me to a commentary on the book of Colossians and I was so blessed as the Scripture came to life before my very eyes. Since that day we have developed an extensive library and enjoy studying God's Word.

I have prepared some Bible studies that I would like to share with you. My prayer is that they will bless you as much as they have blessed me in preparing them. I pray your life is touched and that it would inspire you to live every moment of every day for Christ.

Please click on the link to the left under 'Empowered Bible Studies' for the Bible Study you would like to view.

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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Jesus my Redeemer

 This is such an exciting chapter.  We left off with Boaz, his relative and ten elders as witnesses sitting down for this legal encounter to discuss Naomi and Ruth.  

In Ruth 4:3-4 Boaz explains the situation according to the levirate law of marriage.  The relative was willing to redeem the property; however, as we see in verses 5-6 as soon as Boaz tells him of Ruth he decides not to become the redeemer and tells Boaz he can be the redeemer.

The relative took off his Sandal giving it to Boaz to seal the deal as we see in Ruth 4: 7-10. 

In ancient history, the law for transferring or redeeming property was finalized when the owner removed his sandal and gave it to the other party. Because the other relative had rightful ownership as the closest kinsman-redeemer he had to give up his rights by taking off his sandal and giving it to Boaz - which gave Boaz the right of ownership. Then immediately to complete the transaction Boaz called upon the witnesses to confirm the transaction of redemption (4:9-10). He turned to the ten elders and to the people standing around witnessing the scene, calling upon them to be witnesses to the legal transaction. He then itemized exactly what he was redeeming.

Once Boaz had finished calling upon the elders to be a witness, they joyfully responded "We are witnesses". Then they gave a beautiful prayer and blessing upon Ruth and Boaz, for which we will examine further in our next post.

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