We can learn from Job in the scripture. He lost everything from his health, wealth, possessions, and children, yet we hear him say in Job 1:21 ... The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
My friend it is easy to say Blessed be Your name in the good times isn't it. But I want to encourage you today to say Blessed be Your name in the tough hard times too! God sees you every second of the day, He knows when you are happy and He knows when you are sad! He has a plan and a purpose for your life and is in total control. Even in those times that you think, 'Lord, I can't handle any more', He is there to give you the strength you need to push on.
What is your heart saying dear friend, call upon the name of the Lord - He is listening! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Living our lives for His glory!
Belinda, I just want you to know what a true blessing it has been to come across your ministry through the EBMS App. I would put on my head phones at work and just be enlightened and blessed by each msg. I have heard them all and shared several. I know the Lord directed my path to those messages as I was seeking him and deeply troubled by fear of deceit and false teaching. It was as if your delivery and anointed words were soothing to my newly reborn soul. God used those messages to calm the storm in me, when I needed it most. Isnt he so good, I love him so. I just want to thank you sister. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK FOR OUR LORD! Jennifer Ezell pookifer@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThank you Jennifer for your kind words! To God be the glory. My soul leaped for joy as I read your words. I will be having new posts coming soon to the App. Thank you again for your kind words. Blessings to you my friend.