Welcome to Empowered Bible Studies

Bible study is essential to our Christian walk. As we study God's Word, our personal relationship with God grows deeper and deeper. It empowers us to live for the Lord in every aspect of our lives. This is what has inspired me to do an online Bible study.

Many years ago my husband introduced me to a commentary on the book of Colossians and I was so blessed as the Scripture came to life before my very eyes. Since that day we have developed an extensive library and enjoy studying God's Word.

I have prepared some Bible studies that I would like to share with you. My prayer is that they will bless you as much as they have blessed me in preparing them. I pray your life is touched and that it would inspire you to live every moment of every day for Christ.

Please click on the link to the left under 'Empowered Bible Studies' for the Bible Study you would like to view.

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

We Reap what we Sow

We need to be mindful of our actions as it says in Galatians 6:7 "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."

As we see in the book of Esther, Prime Minister Haman sowed anger against Mordecai, and he reaped anger from the king. Haman wanted to kill Mordecai and the Jews, and the king killed Haman on the very gallows that he built for Mordecai. The question is 'What are we sowing?'

We do reap what we sow, but we have to remember reaping and sowing are not just the bad things in life but it also applies to what is good. Galatians 6:8 "For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."

My friend, No good deed done for the glory of Jesus Christ will ever be forgotten before God; No loving word spoken in Jesus' name will ever be wasted. Even a cup of cold water given in the name of Christ will have its just reward. It took five years before Mordecai saw his reward for saving the king's life, but he received it in God's timing.

We will receive our rewards, if we don't see them in this life, we will see them when we stand before the Lord. My friend, we need to be mindful of our actions as we will reap what we sow. Sow in Christ's love not evil.

1 comment:

  1. Yes and jo for to sow our seed in love of God in the truth among us in the word and with wisdom in the Holy Spirit with us énjoy to reap what we has done in good seed to share ,thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden
