James 1:2-4 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
These are such comforting words. Remember, James was writing to Persecuted Christian Jews. They were not living the easy life. Saul of Tarsus was going house to house pulling Christians from their homes and throwing them in prison. They were having several problems in their personal lives and in their church fellowship. James compassionately identifies with them and says ‟my brethren‟. Meaning my brothers and sisters in Christ, he knows what they are going through; he too is going through various trials and persecution.
Then he exhorts them, knowing that at this time they are going through these trials, he says count it all joy. This is a remarkable command—we are to choose to be joyful in situations where joy would naturally be our last response. Does this mean that we are to laugh through our trials? Absolutely not! Some trials can be like a little pebble in our shoe that pricks us and irritates us each time we walk, others can be gut wrenching, life changing experiences.
James is encouraging us to have pure joy in the very face of trials. He is not asking us to pretend to be happy. My friend, rejoicing goes beyond happiness it is an inner peace that only God can give us. Happiness centers on earthly circumstances and how well things are going here. Joy centers on God and his presence in our experience. It is possessing a spirit of joy, an attitude of joy and perseverance as we face the trials in our life. This joyful attitude comes from knowing as we see in James 1:3 that God is allowing this trial in our life for a reason and purpose. That you can see the trial through His eyes and know that He will see you through it and that there is a greater purpose beyond ourselves that we are going to embrace. Trust God as you face the trials in your life and find a peace within your soul.
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