The fourth exhortation Peter gives us in 1 Peter 3:8 is to be Tenderhearted - which is the Greek word (εὔσπλαγχνξι, eusplanchnoi). This term from eu means good, and splanchnon means inward parts, was originally a medical term denoting the intestines, bowels or tender parts. Gradually the physical meaning shifted to the metaphoric sense of affection and tender mercies. So when Peter says to be Tenderhearted, he is referring to our deepest feelings - down to those inward parts within us. We are to be deeply touched and moved by the hurts, the pain, the needs, and the joys of fellow believers and then act to help them. This is something we need to cultivate.
It is so easy with all the pain and suffering in the world today to close up our hearts so we don't feel that pain, but Peter here is telling us to be Tenderhearted. Being tenderhearted draws people together, there is no room for selfishness. When you rejoice with those who rejoice and suffer with those who suffer you create a great bond together.
Be tenderhearted my friend.
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